Android App Development, Digital Marketing, iOS Application Development Services

Reasons For Selecting BigCommerce Development Services

Is BigCommerce a realistic choice? not sure! then wait for the true causes. Countless businesses are going online, but it might be challenging for them to choose the best e-commerce platform due to the enormous variety available. There are several possibilities, including Shopify, BigCommerce, WooCommerce, and numerous others. However, the difficulties come at the time to decide to build your online stuff. BigCommerce is a reputable e-commerce platform with a lot of support. It is a force to be reckoned with thanks to impressive data reports, a huge inventory, and the most built-in features of any builder. It’s ideal for big, quickly expanding businesses. BigCommerce development services are crucial for creating a top-notch online store for your company. Additionally, it might greatly aid in your company’s online growth. The BigCommerce website development services serve as a powerful online store and brand ambassador. It is an eCommerce platform designed on the SaaS model with a variety of built-in features and functionalities that make it simple for merchants to run a powerful and complete store with the utmost ease.

Benefits of BigCommerce Development Services

BigCommerce offers a completely customisation solution so you may acquire all the features and amenities you need for your store based on the needs of your company. With the assistance of a BigCommerce web designer and developer, setting up your online store is quick and simple and takes little time.

It will beat other e-commerce platforms on the market in terms of site performance and uptime. BigCommerce offers comprehensive solutions for all types of enterprises, including giants as well as small, medium, and large ones.

When compared to other platforms, it aids e-commerce stores in achieving a better conversion rate. Additionally, the BigCommerce web design gives you the advantage. Highly economical with a variety of sets of plans to choose from depending on your company’s needs.

BigCommerce has a large variety of exclusive design templates to pick from following your business needs, in addition to its fundamental features. A talented BigCommerce web designer can also assist you with embedding the ideal design template for your store.

BigCommerce is one of the most user-friendly e-commerce store development platforms, offering a comprehensive package of documentation and how-to features. A vast array of plug-ins, add-ons, and functionalities are included with this e-commerce framework. This assists in managing a variety of tasks and enables you to offer outstanding services to your clients.

For strong security to operate your business online, it offers level 1 PCI-compliant hosting. Every business can run its online store on a very scalable platform. BigCommerce offers a variety of integrated marketing tools to assist you in developing your marketing plan and promotional initiatives.

Users can quickly use the outstanding user-friendly interface of the powerful BigCommerce platform and explore many possibilities to build a customer-friendly store. We at Kindlebit provide you with the best BigCommerce Development Services for complete e-commerce solutions. To know more about BigCommerce Website Development, visit Kindlebit Solutions.

Digital Marketing

Things To Consider Before Hiring A Reliable SEO Marketing Company

SEO is a vital component of marketing for every business seeking a solid digital presence. Whether outsourced to Professional SEO Services or done in-house, the final goal remains the same: ranking at the top position in search engines and driving more traffic to your website.

Amid more than one billion Google users alone, the chances are high for those who aim on growing their business online. It doesn’t be enough to create valuable content; you have to turn the key focus on it. At the same time as valuable content marketing builds relationships with your audience, organic SEO bestows signals to search engines. These signals are picked up by the search engines to match inquiries with the finest results. 

Google is persistently updating its ranking algorithm; leaving marketers with the longstanding imperative “get used to or pass away”. This is possibly the most frequent reason why businesses decide to hire the Best SEO Services company for Google keyword ranking. 

To help you make a well-versed decision, here are a few insights: 

As a new enterprise – and even as a reputable business – you might feel forced to make a succession of compromises to get your digital marketing to flourish well. The first alternative is to spend more of your time learning and then putting into action a well-designed marketing strategy. The second alternative is to allow a considerable budget for an in-house or a self-employed marketing professional. There’s a massive marketplace for professional SEO services so, with a bit of good luck, you might run into an honest service provider.

A professional SEO marketing company can make available some core ground between the two solutions. How will you make out that you’ve found the right associate for your business prerequisites? The brief reply is: your marketing financial plan will turn out as an investment more willingly than an outlay. 

Self-employed SEO professionals time and again provide marketing services in “remoteness”, without the added significance of a technical setting. Your best bet, in that case, is finding the best SEO services company that offers a wide range of digital marketing services. The key intention is website optimization, a very important process of enduring improvements to your online presence.

To accomplish the most favourable results for your business, a professional SEO Marketing Company can set up a variety of skills it has on hand: software development, graphic design, and SEO content writing, to name a few. Professional SEO companies tend to be more data-sensitive than self-determining marketers. Why? Since they work out their performance by the results they acquire for their customers. 

A failed promotion can tarnish an agency’s reputation enduringly. A reliable SEO agency will keep away from the frequent marketing strategy mistakes, helping you build a constructive business identity. They’ll take their time to make clear to you why social media and website traffic are purely self-importance metrics. They’ll turn up with a solid plan for conversion rate optimization and always ensure to capitalize on your ROI.

Software Development

How to Troubleshoot Common ASP.NET Software Development Problems

ASP.NET is an open-source, server-side web application structure created by Microsoft extensively used for creating websites and applications. ASP.NET Software Development offers flexible models and is used by millions of developers for building web applications, XML Web services, distributed components, database applications, and client-server applications.

ASP.NET Software Development

Troubleshooting ASP.NET Software Development problems prove to be a tough task. This article will cover some common problems that you might experience in your ASP.NET application and provide tips to troubleshoot & resolve them.

Are your ASP.NET Applications Slow?

There are numerous reasons for the .NET applications becoming slow.  These include incorrect memory sizing, code-level errors, IIS server bottlenecks, GC pauses, high usage of synchronized blocks, incorrect memory sizing and various more.

High usage of Synchronized Blocks-

The .NET Framework offers numerous thread synchronization choices like inter-process mutexes, reader/writer locks, etc. At times a .NET Developer writes codes in such a manner that only one thread gets serviced at a particular time while the other parallel threads coming in the process remain in a queue. This process is referred to as synchronization & locking.

The Synchronization & Locking help serialize the incoming threads for execution. By creating a synchronized block of code & applying a lock on a specific object, an incoming thread is made to wait until the lock on the synchronized object is available. Even though the strategy helps in many situations but it shouldn’t be overused as high usage of serialization of threads increases wait time of incoming threads and ends up slowing down the user transactions.

Troubleshoot solutions

There are various steps to prevent the slowing down & limit the usage of serialization of threads:

  • Bring Synchronized coding & locks in use only when required. Precisely understand the need for the code execution before deciding to use locks.
  • Set the duration of locks such that they are acquired late & released early & don’t hold the incoming threads in wait for a long duration.
  • Consider using a loose coupling to decrease concurrency concerns. To reduce lock contention use event- delegation models.
  • Make use of code profiling tools to monitor the .NET code & identify if thread locks are causing slow application processing.

Is your .NET Application returning Lots of Errors?

Microsoft IIS Server is a significant part of the .NET Framework. IIS is the webserver that hosts the web application or website built on .NET & runs the W3WP process accountable for responding to the incoming requests. It also includes the CLR- Common Language Runtime, which is responsible to mete out resources for thread processing. Since the IIS has numerous moving parts, a block in the same can have a straight impact on the .NET application performance.

The IIS Server problems include Server overload, High concurrent connections and connection lows, Application pool failure, Termination of SSL certificates, High CLR wait time, Improper caching,  High response time of the ASP.NET Handling Service, and HTTPS  errors such as static& dynamic content errors & connection errors. Several times your ASP.NET Software Development returns lots of errors like 500 internal server error, 503 services unavailable or similar problems.

Troubleshoot Solutions

  • Right-size the IIS server till the time there is no resource contention or overutilization of resources.
  • Based on the rate of incoming requests load balance with more IIS
  • Be in Track with SSL certificate validity & get alerted before a certificate expires.
  • Recognize improper configuration & performance deviations & monitor all aspects of IIS performance.

Excessively Logging the Exceptions

Logging is a great tool in debugging arsenal used to find abnormalities recorded at the time of application processing. But then again when logging is set up to catch exceptions at every tier of the application architecture, you can end up having the same exception logged at the web, service and data tiers. This can also lead to the addition of added load to the application & increase response time.

Logging everything from informational messages debugs to warnings can easily bloat your log file & in turn affect code processing. Similarly, too many unhandled exceptions can make the code ineffective & can affect application performance.

Troubleshoot Solutions

  • Certify that your C# code has “try-catch-finally” blocks to handle exceptions
  • Use exception filters available in C# which allows specifying a conditional cause for each catch block
  • Check for null values and bring Try Parse into use to avoid potential exceptions
  • Pay attention to second-chance exceptions since these indicate that the first-chance exceptions came up & weren’t handled properly
  • Make use of exception handling & logging libraries like Enterprise Library, NLog, Serilog, or log4net to log exceptions to a file or a database
  • Make sure you log exceptions only as much as needed so that you don’t end up blocking the log file.

These were out of many common ASP.NET Software Development problems & their respective solutions. While you focus on troubleshooting all these issues, it is important to pay attention to writing clean & efficient codes, that solve many problems on the ASP.NET applications.

Android App Development, BigCommerce plugin development, Full Stack Developer, jQuery development services, Mobile App Development Services, WPF Application Development

Unique Features of WPF Application Development

WPF Application is the newest & ideal UI Framework used by web developers. The WPF Application Development offers a broad set of application development features such as an application model, resource controls, graphics layout, data binding, and security.

WPF Application Development is considered as a progression over WinForms or Windows Forms because of its easy to operate graphical display system for windows. It offers many more benefits than WinForms. It can take time to understand all of WPF’s advantages, but once understood, it is an effective addition to the business applications for building highly rich, scalable and robust windows applications.

WPF Application Development KBS

 The major & unique features offered by WPF Application Development are:

  • WPF offers data binding much better than WinForms application

Data binding was brought to limelight by Windows Forms & ASP. NET frameworks, but WPF Application Development offers some more significant features such as declaratively bind that make it stand out from the prototypes.  WPF allows you to declaratively bind other things such as key bindings, commands, events, and animation.

  • In case you want to take massive benefit from WPF Application Development for business application, visit

Every single component and control in WPF is customizable to our creativity. WPF user interface is created using XAML as per requirements without involving the language used for the logic implementation.

  • WPF does its best work when it comes to styling

The WPF Application Development makes an application look extremely good.  It enables you to perform things like make the background of a text box red or surround a button with a blue border.

Styles in WPF are alike to style sheets for HTML. The only differentiation is that WPF styles are richer, better & have less ambiguity. WPF styles include all the visual characteristics that one would expect like margin, padding, etc.  We can also use these styles to define nonvisual properties.

  • WPF comprises of inbuilt storyboarding feature and animation models

WPF animation framework is very effective & impressive. Animations can be easily integrated with templates and styles. Most properties in WPF can be animated and support timelines, interpolation, and keyframes.

  • WPF makes it easy to create reusable elements for UI

There are two types of templates in WPF:

  • Control Templates
  • Data Templates

 Control Template enables you to redefine the way a control looks. With control, template designers can provide a specific look for the list book, with no impact on the actual development process.

Similar to control templates, data templates define the way a certain type of data is rendered. Data templates offer convenience when dealing with lists or other collections of data.

Digital Marketing Services Company
Digital Marketing, Uncategorized

Top Marketing Advices By A Leading Digital Marketing Services Company

When was the last time you shopped your smartphone form a local store? Maybe it was last month, but for hundreds of thousands of internet users, it was more than five years ago. We are living in the age of the internet, where Google has more power than you can imagine. From electronic appliances to daily cosmetics, people like to shop all things on e-commerce stores. Moreover, whenever an individual wants to hire a plumber, electrician, or find nearby hobby classes, the first place he goes is on a search engine. Therefore, if you are confused about why people don’t buy your services on the internet, experts from the top digital marketing services company suggest the following.

Digital Marketing Services Company

Your Online Presence is Less

When you search your business name on Google next time, check out the following:

• Does Google show a special snippet for your business on the right-hand side?
• How many links from the top name include your business name in the title or description?
• On which position from the top, does your business name or website appear.

If the answer to these three questions isn’t jovial, it means you need to work on your online presence. The SEO of your business is very poor, which is making it difficult for people to find it online. You should talk to a digital marketing services company soon to improve your business’s ranking on search results.

You Don’t Utilize Socia Media Well

Does your business has a social media page? The most popular social media platforms to promote your business are Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. These are the places where you can win the hearts of your followers with your ideas and creativity, and also convey messages. Also, having social media pages makes your business reliable, improves business relations, and increases your online presence.

You Need To Feel The Power Of Email Marketing

Have you ever seen big businesses like Uber, Amazon, Microsoft, etc. neglect email marketing? But ignoring it seems to be a trend within startups and small companies. If you don’t use the power of email marketing now, there are several businesses ready to take control of your potential leads. Emails are a great way of conveying messages and information. By sending emails, you can directly tell people to visit your store or lure them by sending promotional offers and codes.

Kindlebit Solutions is an offshore digital marketing services company providing unparalleled marketing assistance to all kinds of businesses. You can get in touch with us anytime to clear your queries and doubts.